By Brad Powell
As we launch into 2016, I wanted to share the five most popular Axiaware blog posts from 2015.
The posts touched on a variety of subjects that I believe are critical for credit unions and banks today.
If you found any or all of them interesting, I encourage you to share them with colleagues and your social media networks: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, whatever.
Here's the Axiaware Top 5, with a short description for each one:
5. Three Smart Tips for Credit Unions Looking to Attract Millennial Members
How can credit unions add millennial members? Start by keeping your old name, making it easy and managing your online presence.
4. Mobile Auto Lending: Credit Unions' Next Big Opportunity?
Mobile banking is growing rapidly. So are automotive loan applications. What happens when you put these two trends together?

By Brad Powell
I’ve spent some time this past year writing about the rise of mobile banking services and what it means for credit unions and banks. Whether it’s Apple Pay, opportunities with auto loans or the emergent alternative lending industry, it’s apparent that financial institutions will be spending more time devising mobile solutions in 2016 and beyond.
It’s an area that changes quickly. So I try to keep up with the news.
Today’s post rounds up three articles I read over the last several days that contained insights about the state of mobile banking at the end of 2015. I encourage you to click through and give them a read, and let me know what you think on Twitter, or in a LinkedIn Group such as Credit Union Insight, Credit Union Times or Bank Innovation. I will definitely respond!

By Brad Powell
There are 83 million millennials in the United States.
That, of course, is why so many businesses are courting these 15- to 33-year-olds. And why so many blog posts are written about them.
I have been thinking about millennials as potential credit union members a bit lately (I’m hardly the only one). Perhaps it’s because, in a survey Axiaware recently conducted for credit union decision-makers, we asked respondents to rate the importance and urgency of adding millennials as members. (Read about the survey results here.)
In the meantime, I wanted to share three tips published recently on attracting millennials that I thought made a lot of sense: