How do I give my members the experience they want, on the devices they want to use, both now and in the future? That's a question we hear a lot. Terence Roche wrote a blog post for GonzoBanker recently that addressed that question:
Do We Need Better System Integration or Fewer Systems to Integrate?
You should read the post ─ Mr. Roche offers some great insight. And, at the risk of oversimplifying, his answer boils down to "less is more." Taking a cue from other industries and the mass adoption of mobile devices, he writes that wherever possible, banks and credit unions should move to a single system and single interface, so there are fewer interfaces and less integration.
I agree with much of his piece. And I'd like to describe a slightly different alternative to his "single-system" proposal; one that I believe will prepare a financial institution for the future. In the future, credit union members will likely have a new set of expectations, based on the technologies they'll be using at that time. Those technologies might be smart watches, or breakthrough features in mobile apps, or some device that simply doesn't exist yet.
From a field of approximately 70 Washington, D.C. area nominees, judges selected Axiaware after a thorough review of the business.

"We're all extremely proud of this award," Powell said. "I've always believed that being an honest, ethical partner whom clients can trust is just good business. I take Axiaware's success as evidence of that principle. It's great to see the NCBEA work so hard to recognize companies for taking this approach."
NCBEA judges review each nominated business thoroughly, seeking clear evidence that the company's commitment to the highest ethical standards and business practices is a living part of its culture and day-to-day operation.
The National Capital Business Ethics Awards are presented annually by the National Capital Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals, in partnership with the New Century College of George Mason University.
Since the first local awards were presented in 2001, companies from a wide variety of industries have been honored for the programs devoted to integrity and ethical business practices that they have developed, communicated and deployed across their organizations. More information can be found at http://businessethicsawards.org.
Some of the most satisfying work we have done at Axiaware started with a simple realization by leaders at a credit union with a significant automotive loan business: Their online auto loan channel was underperforming, and it was hurting them in serious ways.
It was surprising. Somehow, at a time when more and more consumers conducted more and more transactions online, this credit union's branch and phone channels produced two to three times the auto loan business as the online channel. And this low performance created several problems for the credit union: